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Submit Your Masterpieces to ArtsGallery

Showcase your artwork to a global audience by submitting your works through our simple submission process. Follow the steps below to get started!

Steps to Showcase your Talent Here

Register on the Website

Create an account to begin posting works. Click the "Register" button at the top of the page and fill out the required information.

Prepare Your Work Details

itle of the artwork. Artist's name. Description of the work. Category of the artwork (e.g., Portrait, Landscape, Abstract). High-quality images of the work. Optional: Price of the artwork (if selling).

Fill Out the Submission Form

Go to the "Contact Us" page and fill out the form with the required details. Include: Your name, email, subject, and message. Upload the images of your artwork using the file upload option.

Wait for Approval

Our team will review your submission within 48 hours. If your submission meets our guidelines, you will receive an email confirmation.

Complete Payment

If your submission is approved and you’re opting for a paid service, complete the payment through the link provided in the email.

Your Work Goes Live!

Once payment is confirmed, your artwork will be displayed in the relevant category on our website.

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